Heatwaves: Assessing the Dynamic Interactions of the Atmosphere and Land
Heatwaves: Assessing the Dynamic Interactions of the Atmosphere and Land#
Content creators: Sara Shamekh, Ibukun Joyce Ogwu
Content reviewers: Sloane Garelick, Grace Lindsay, Douglas Rao, Chi Zhang, Ohad Zivan
Content editors: Sloane Garelick, Zane Mitrevica, Natalie Steinemann, Ohad Zivan, Chi Zhang
Production editors: Wesley Banfield, Jenna Pearson, Chi Zhang, Ohad Zivan
Our 2023 Sponsors: NASA TOPS, Google DeepMind, and CMIP
# @title Tutorial slides
# @markdown These are the slides for the videos in all tutorials today
from IPython.display import IFrame
link_id = "wx7tu"
The atmosphere and land are entwined components of the Earth’s system, constantly exchanging energy, mass, and momentum. Their interaction contributes to a variety of physical and biological processes. Understanding of the dynamic interactions between atmosphere and land is crucial for predicting and mitigating the impacts of climate change, such as land-use changes and hazards ranging from droughts, floods, and even fluctuation in agricultural production and products (Jach et. al., 2022; Ogwu et. al. 2018; Dirmeyer et. al. 2016).
Climate change is also expected to have a significant impact on cereal production around the world. Changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events can all affect crop yields, as well as the timing and quality of harvests. For example, higher temperatures can lead to reduced yields for crops like wheat and maize, while changes in rainfall patterns can result in droughts or floods that can damage crops or delay planting.
In order to better understand the relationship between climate change and cereal production, researchers have begun to explore the use of environmental monitoring data, including air temperature and soil moisture, to help identify trends and patterns in crop production. By collecting and analyzing this data over time, it may be possible to develop more accurate models and predictions of how climate change will affect cereal production in different regions of the world.
However, it is important to note that while environmental monitoring data can provide valuable insights, there are many other factors that can affect cereal production, including soil quality, pests and diseases, and agricultural practices. Therefore, any efforts to correlate cereal production with climate change must take into account a wide range of factors and be based on robust statistical analyses in order to ensure accurate and reliable results.
In this project, you will look into how specific climate variables represent and influence our changing climate. In particular,you will explore various climate variables from model data to develop a more comprehensive understanding of different drivers of heatwaves (periods during which the temperature exceeds the climatological average for a certain number of consecutive days over a region larger than a specified value). You will further use this data to understand land-atmosphere interactions, and there will also be an opportunity to relate the aforementioned climate variables to trends in cereal production.
Data Exploration Notebook#
Project Setup#
# google colab installs
# !pip install condacolab
# import condacolab
# condacolab.install()
# !mamba install xarray-datatree intake intake-esm gcsfs xmip aiohttp cartopy nc-time-axis cf_xarray xarrayutils "esmf<=8.3.1" xesmf
# imports
import time
tic = time.time()
import pandas as pd
import intake
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
import xesmf as xe
from xmip.preprocessing import combined_preprocessing
from xarrayutils.plotting import shaded_line_plot
from datatree import DataTree
from xmip.postprocessing import _parse_metric
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import random
import pooch
import os
import tempfile
# helper functions
def pooch_load(filelocation=None,filename=None,processor=None):
shared_location='/home/jovyan/shared/Data/Projects/Heatwaves' # this is different for each day
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(shared_location,filename)):
file = os.path.join(shared_location,filename)
file = pooch.retrieve(filelocation,known_hash=None,fname=os.path.join(user_temp_cache,filename),processor=processor)
return file
# @title Figure settings
import ipywidgets as widgets # interactive display
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
# model_colors = {k:f"C{ki}" for ki, k in enumerate(source_ids)}
%matplotlib inline
CMIP6: Near Surface Temperature#
You will utilize a CMIP6 dataset to examine temperature trends and heatwaves, applying the CMIP6 loading methods intreduced in W2D1. To learn more about CMIP, including additional ways to access CMIP data, please see our CMIP Resource Bank and the CMIP website.
Specifically, in this project you will focus on near-surface temperature, which refers to the air temperature at the Earth’s surface. In this study, you will analyze data from one model and examining its historical temperature records. However, we encourage you to explore other models and investigate intermodel variability, as you learned (or will learn) during your exploration of CMIP datasets in the W2D1 tutorials.
After selecting your model, you will plot the near-surface air temperature for the entire globe.
# loading CMIP data
col = intake.open_esm_datastore(
) # open an intake catalog containing the Pangeo CMIP cloud data
# pick our five example models
# There are many more to test out! Try executing `col.df['source_id'].unique()` to get a list of all available models
source_ids = ["MPI-ESM1-2-LR"]
KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[7], line 3
1 # loading CMIP data
----> 3 col = intake.open_esm_datastore(
4 "https://storage.googleapis.com/cmip6/pangeo-cmip6.json"
5 ) # open an intake catalog containing the Pangeo CMIP cloud data
7 # pick our five example models
8 # There are many more to test out! Try executing `col.df['source_id'].unique()` to get a list of all available models
9 source_ids = ["MPI-ESM1-2-LR"]
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/intake_esm/core.py:107, in esm_datastore.__init__(self, obj, progressbar, sep, registry, read_csv_kwargs, columns_with_iterables, storage_options, **intake_kwargs)
105 self.esmcat = ESMCatalogModel.from_dict(obj)
106 else:
--> 107 self.esmcat = ESMCatalogModel.load(
108 obj, storage_options=self.storage_options, read_csv_kwargs=read_csv_kwargs
109 )
111 self.derivedcat = registry or default_registry
112 self._entries = {}
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/intake_esm/cat.py:264, in ESMCatalogModel.load(cls, json_file, storage_options, read_csv_kwargs)
262 csv_path = f'{os.path.dirname(_mapper.root)}/{cat.catalog_file}'
263 cat.catalog_file = csv_path
--> 264 df = pd.read_csv(
265 cat.catalog_file,
266 storage_options=storage_options,
267 **read_csv_kwargs,
268 )
269 else:
270 df = pd.DataFrame(cat.catalog_dict)
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/readers.py:912, in read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, sep, delimiter, header, names, index_col, usecols, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skipinitialspace, skiprows, skipfooter, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, na_filter, verbose, skip_blank_lines, parse_dates, infer_datetime_format, keep_date_col, date_parser, date_format, dayfirst, cache_dates, iterator, chunksize, compression, thousands, decimal, lineterminator, quotechar, quoting, doublequote, escapechar, comment, encoding, encoding_errors, dialect, on_bad_lines, delim_whitespace, low_memory, memory_map, float_precision, storage_options, dtype_backend)
899 kwds_defaults = _refine_defaults_read(
900 dialect,
901 delimiter,
908 dtype_backend=dtype_backend,
909 )
910 kwds.update(kwds_defaults)
--> 912 return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/readers.py:577, in _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
574 _validate_names(kwds.get("names", None))
576 # Create the parser.
--> 577 parser = TextFileReader(filepath_or_buffer, **kwds)
579 if chunksize or iterator:
580 return parser
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/readers.py:1407, in TextFileReader.__init__(self, f, engine, **kwds)
1404 self.options["has_index_names"] = kwds["has_index_names"]
1406 self.handles: IOHandles | None = None
-> 1407 self._engine = self._make_engine(f, self.engine)
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/readers.py:1661, in TextFileReader._make_engine(self, f, engine)
1659 if "b" not in mode:
1660 mode += "b"
-> 1661 self.handles = get_handle(
1662 f,
1663 mode,
1664 encoding=self.options.get("encoding", None),
1665 compression=self.options.get("compression", None),
1666 memory_map=self.options.get("memory_map", False),
1667 is_text=is_text,
1668 errors=self.options.get("encoding_errors", "strict"),
1669 storage_options=self.options.get("storage_options", None),
1670 )
1671 assert self.handles is not None
1672 f = self.handles.handle
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/common.py:716, in get_handle(path_or_buf, mode, encoding, compression, memory_map, is_text, errors, storage_options)
713 codecs.lookup_error(errors)
715 # open URLs
--> 716 ioargs = _get_filepath_or_buffer(
717 path_or_buf,
718 encoding=encoding,
719 compression=compression,
720 mode=mode,
721 storage_options=storage_options,
722 )
724 handle = ioargs.filepath_or_buffer
725 handles: list[BaseBuffer]
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/common.py:373, in _get_filepath_or_buffer(filepath_or_buffer, encoding, compression, mode, storage_options)
370 if content_encoding == "gzip":
371 # Override compression based on Content-Encoding header
372 compression = {"method": "gzip"}
--> 373 reader = BytesIO(req.read())
374 return IOArgs(
375 filepath_or_buffer=reader,
376 encoding=encoding,
379 mode=fsspec_mode,
380 )
382 if is_fsspec_url(filepath_or_buffer):
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/http/client.py:482, in HTTPResponse.read(self, amt)
480 else:
481 try:
--> 482 s = self._safe_read(self.length)
483 except IncompleteRead:
484 self._close_conn()
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/http/client.py:631, in HTTPResponse._safe_read(self, amt)
624 def _safe_read(self, amt):
625 """Read the number of bytes requested.
627 This function should be used when <amt> bytes "should" be present for
628 reading. If the bytes are truly not available (due to EOF), then the
629 IncompleteRead exception can be used to detect the problem.
630 """
--> 631 data = self.fp.read(amt)
632 if len(data) < amt:
633 raise IncompleteRead(data, amt-len(data))
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/socket.py:705, in SocketIO.readinto(self, b)
703 while True:
704 try:
--> 705 return self._sock.recv_into(b)
706 except timeout:
707 self._timeout_occurred = True
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/ssl.py:1274, in SSLSocket.recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes, flags)
1270 if flags != 0:
1271 raise ValueError(
1272 "non-zero flags not allowed in calls to recv_into() on %s" %
1273 self.__class__)
-> 1274 return self.read(nbytes, buffer)
1275 else:
1276 return super().recv_into(buffer, nbytes, flags)
File ~/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/ssl.py:1130, in SSLSocket.read(self, len, buffer)
1128 try:
1129 if buffer is not None:
-> 1130 return self._sslobj.read(len, buffer)
1131 else:
1132 return self._sslobj.read(len)
# from the full `col` object, create a subset using facet search
cat = col.search(
experiment_id=["historical"], # add scenarios if interested in projection
], # make sure that we only get models which have all of the above experiments
# convert the sub-catalog into a datatree object, by opening each dataset into an xarray.Dataset (without loading the data)
kwargs = dict(
preprocess=combined_preprocessing, # apply xMIP fixes to each dataset
), # ensure all datasets use the same time index
"token": "anon"
}, # anonymous/public authentication to google cloud storage
cat.esmcat.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs = ["source_id", "experiment_id"]
dt = cat.to_datatree(**kwargs)
# select just a single model and experiment
tas_historical = dt["MPI-ESM1-2-LR"]["historical"].ds.tas
print("The time range is:")
Now it’s time to plot the data. For this initial analysis, we will focus on a specific date and time. As you may have noticed, we are using 3-hourly data, which allows us to also examine the diurnal and seasonal cycles. It would be fascinating to explore how the amplitude of the diurnal and seasonal cycles varies by region and latitude. You can explore this later!
fig, ax_present = plt.subplots(
figsize=[12, 6], subplot_kw={"projection": ccrs.Robinson()}
# plot a timestep for July 1, 2013
tas_present = tas_historical.sel(time="2013-07-01T00").squeeze()
tas_present.plot(ax=ax_present, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap="magma", robust=True)
ax_present.set_title("July, 1st 2013")
CMIP6: Precipitation and Soil Moisture (Optional)#
In addition to examining temperature trends, you can also load precipitation data or variables related to soil moisture. This is an optional exploration, but if you choose to do so, you can load regional precipitation data at the same time and explore how these two variables are related when analyzing regional temperature trends. This can provide insights into how changes in temperature and precipitation may be affecting the local environment.
The relationship between soil moisture, vegetation, and temperature is an active field of research. To learn more about covariability of temperature and moisture, you can have a look at Dong et al. (2022) or Humphrey et al. (2021).
World Bank Data: Cereal Production and Land Under Cereal Production#
Cereal production is a crucial component of global agriculture and food security. The World Bank collects and provides data on cereal production, which includes crops such as wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats, rye, sorghum, millet, and mixed grains. The data covers various indicators such as production quantity, area harvested, yield, and production value.
The World Bank also collects data on land under cereals production, which refers to the area of land that is being used to grow cereal crops. This information can be valuable for assessing the productivity and efficiency of cereal production systems in different regions, as well as identifying potential areas for improvement. Overall, the World Bank’s data on cereal production and land under cereals production is an important resource for policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders who are interested in understanding global trends in agriculture and food security.
# code to retrieve and load the data
filename_cereal = 'data_cereal_land.csv'
url_cereal = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sshamekh/Heatwave/f85f43997e3d6ae61e5d729bf77cfcc188fbf2fd/data_cereal_land.csv'
ds_cereal_land = pd.read_csv(pooch_load(url_cereal,filename_cereal))
Hint for Q7: Heatwave Detection#
Question 7 asks you to detect heatwave. Below you can see a flowchart for detecting heatwaves. The flowchart includes three parameters that you need to set in adavance. These three parameters are:
w-day: the window (number of days) over which you detect the extreme (95 percentile) of temperature.
E (km2): the spatial extent of the heatwave.
X (days): the duration of heatwave.
Hint for Q9: Correlation#
For Question 9 you need to compute the correlation between two variables. You can use Pearson’s correlation coefficient to evaluate the correlation between two variables. You can read about Pearsons correlation coefficient on Wikipedia and from Scipy python library. You are also encouraged to plot the scatter plot between two variables to visually see their correlation.
Hint for Q12: Linear Regressions for Heatwave Detection#
For Question 12, read the following article: Rousi et al. (2022)
For Question 12 you need to build the regession model. You can read abut regression models on Wikipedia and from Scipy python library.
Hint for Q13: Data-Driven Approaches for Heatwave Detection#
For Question 13, read the following articles: Li et al. (2023) and Jacques-Dumas et al. (2022)
Further Reading#
Dirmeyer, P. A., Gochis, D. J., & Schultz, D. M. (2016). Land-atmosphere interactions: the LoCo perspective. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(5), 753-771.
Ogwu I. J., Omotesho, O. A. and Muhammad-Lawal, A., (2018) Chapter 11: Economics of Soil Fertility Management Practices in Nigeria in the book by Obayelu, A. E. ‘Food Systems Sustainability and Environmental Policies in Modern Economies’ (pp. 1-371).Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3631-4
Jach, L., Schwitalla, T., Branch, O., Warrach-Sagi, K., and Wulfmeyer, V. (2022) Sensitivity of land–atmosphere coupling strength to changing atmospheric temperature and moisture over Europe, Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 109–132, https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-13-109-2022
This tutorial uses data from the simulations conducted as part of the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble.
For examples on how to access and analyze data, please visit the Pangeo Cloud CMIP6 Gallery
For more information on what CMIP is and how to access the data, please see this page.