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Tutorial 2: Deep MLPs

Week 1, Day 3: Multi Layer Perceptrons

By Neuromatch Academy

Content creators: Arash Ash, Surya Ganguli

Content reviewers: Saeed Salehi, Felix Bartsch, Yu-Fang Yang, Melvin Selim Atay, Kelson Shilling-Scrivo

Content editors: Gagana B, Kelson Shilling-Scrivo, Spiros Chavlis

Production editors: Anoop Kulkarni, Kelson Shilling-Scrivo, Gagana B, Spiros Chavlis

Tutorial Objectives

In this tutorial, we will dive deeper into MLPs and see more of their mathematical and practical aspects. Today we are going to see why MLPs:

  • Can be deep or wide

  • Dependant on transfer functions

  • Sensitive to initialization


This is a GPU free notebook!

⚠ Experimental LLM-enhanced tutorial ⚠

This notebook includes Neuromatch’s experimental Chatify 🤖 functionality. The Chatify notebook extension adds support for a large language model-based “coding tutor” to the materials. The tutor provides automatically generated text to help explain any code cell in this notebook.

Note that using Chatify may cause breaking changes and/or provide incorrect or misleading information. If you wish to proceed by installing and enabling the Chatify extension, you should run the next two code blocks (hidden by default). If you do not want to use this experimental version of the Neuromatch materials, please use the stable materials instead.

To use the Chatify helper, insert the %%explain magic command at the start of any code cell and then run it (shift + enter) to access an interface for receiving LLM-based assitance. You can then select different options from the dropdown menus depending on what sort of assitance you want. To disable Chatify and run the code block as usual, simply delete the %%explain command and re-run the cell.

Note that, by default, all of Chatify’s responses are generated locally. This often takes several minutes per response. Once you click the “Submit request” button, just be patient– stuff is happening even if you can’t see it right away!

Thanks for giving Chatify a try! Love it? Hate it? Either way, we’d love to hear from you about your Chatify experience! Please consider filling out our brief survey to provide feedback and help us make Chatify more awesome!

Run the next two cells to install and configure Chatify…

%pip install -q davos
import davos
davos.config.suppress_stdout = True
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
smuggle chatify      # pip: git+
%load_ext chatify
Using default configuration!
Downloading the 'cache' file.

Install and import feedback gadget

# @title Install and import feedback gadget

!pip3 install vibecheck datatops --quiet

from vibecheck import DatatopsContentReviewContainer
def content_review(notebook_section: str):
    return DatatopsContentReviewContainer(
        "",  # No text prompt
            "url": "",
            "name": "neuromatch_dl",
            "user_key": "f379rz8y",

feedback_prefix = "W1D3_T2"
# Imports
import pathlib

import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim

from torchvision.utils import make_grid
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from torchvision.datasets import ImageFolder
from import DataLoader, TensorDataset

from import tqdm
from IPython.display import display

Figure Settings

# @title Figure Settings
import logging
logging.getLogger('matplotlib.font_manager').disabled = True

import ipywidgets as widgets  # Interactive display
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'"")
my_layout = widgets.Layout()

Helper functions (MLP Tutorial 1 Codes)

# @title Helper functions (MLP Tutorial 1 Codes)

# @markdown `Net(nn.Module)`

class Net(nn.Module):
  Simulate MLP Network

  def __init__(self, actv, input_feature_num, hidden_unit_nums, output_feature_num):
    Initialize MLP Network parameters

      actv: string
        Activation function
      input_feature_num: int
        Number of input features
      hidden_unit_nums: int
        Number of units in the hidden layer
      output_feature_num: int
        Number of output features

    super(Net, self).__init__()
    self.input_feature_num = input_feature_num # Save the input size for reshapinng later
    self.mlp = nn.Sequential() # Initialize layers of MLP

    in_num = input_feature_num # Initialize the temporary input feature to each layer
    for i in range(len(hidden_unit_nums)): # Loop over layers and create each one
      out_num = hidden_unit_nums[i] # Assign the current layer hidden unit from list
      layer = nn.Linear(in_num, out_num) # Use nn.Linear to define the layer
      in_num = out_num # Assign next layer input using current layer output
      self.mlp.add_module(f"Linear_{i}", layer) # Append layer to the model with a name

      actv_layer = eval(f"nn.{actv}") # Assign activation function (eval allows us to instantiate object from string)
      self.mlp.add_module(f"Activation_{i}", actv_layer) # Append activation to the model with a name

    out_layer = nn.Linear(in_num, output_feature_num) # Create final layer
    self.mlp.add_module('Output_Linear', out_layer) # Append the final layer

  def forward(self, x):
    Simulate forward pass of MLP Network

      x: torch.tensor
        Input data

      logits: Instance of MLP
        Forward pass of MLP
    # Reshape inputs to (batch_size, input_feature_num)
    # Just in case the input vector is not 2D, like an image!
    x = x.view(-1, self.input_feature_num)

    logits = self.mlp(x) # forward pass of MLP
    return logits

# @markdown `train_test_classification(net, criterion, optimizer, train_loader, test_loader, num_epochs=1, verbose=True, training_plot=False)`
def train_test_classification(net, criterion, optimizer, train_loader,
                              test_loader, num_epochs=1, verbose=True,
                              training_plot=False, device='cpu'):
  Accumulate training loss/Evaluate performance

    net: Instance of Net class
      Describes the model with ReLU activation, batch size 128
    criterion: torch.nn type
      Criterion combines LogSoftmax and NLLLoss in one single class.
    optimizer: torch.optim type
      Implements Adam algorithm.
    train_loader: type
      Combines the train dataset and sampler, and provides an iterable over the given dataset.
    test_loader: type
      Combines the test dataset and sampler, and provides an iterable over the given dataset.
    num_epochs: int
      Number of epochs [default: 1]
    verbose: boolean
      If True, print statistics
      If True, display training plot
    device: string
      CUDA/GPU if available, CPU otherwise

  training_losses = []
  for epoch in tqdm(range(num_epochs)):  # Loop over the dataset multiple times
    running_loss = 0.0
    for i, data in enumerate(train_loader, 0):
      # Get the inputs; data is a list of [inputs, labels]
      inputs, labels = data
      inputs =
      labels =

      # Zero the parameter gradients

      # forward + backward + optimize
      outputs = net(inputs)

      loss = criterion(outputs, labels)

      # Print statistics
      if verbose:
        training_losses += [loss.item()]


  def test(data_loader):
    Function to gauge network performance

      data_loader: type
        Combines the test dataset and sampler, and provides an iterable over the given dataset.

      acc: float
        Performance of the network
      total: int
        Number of datapoints in the dataloader
    correct = 0
    total = 0
    for data in data_loader:
      inputs, labels = data
      inputs =
      labels =

      outputs = net(inputs)
      _, predicted = torch.max(outputs, 1)
      total += labels.size(0)
      correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item()

    acc = 100 * correct / total
    return total, acc

  train_total, train_acc = test(train_loader)
  test_total, test_acc = test(test_loader)

  if verbose:
    print(f'\nAccuracy on the {train_total} training samples: {train_acc:0.2f}')
    print(f'Accuracy on the {test_total} testing samples: {test_acc:0.2f}\n')

  if training_plot:
    plt.ylabel('Training loss')

  return train_acc, test_acc

# @markdown `shuffle_and_split_data(X, y, seed)`
def shuffle_and_split_data(X, y, seed):
  Helper function to shuffle and split data

    X: torch.tensor
      Input data
    y: torch.tensor
      Corresponding target variables
    seed: int
      Set seed for reproducibility

    X_test: torch.tensor
      Test data [20% of X]
    y_test: torch.tensor
      Labels corresponding to above mentioned test data
    X_train: torch.tensor
      Train data [80% of X]
    y_train: torch.tensor
      Labels corresponding to above mentioned train data
  # Set seed for reproducibility
  # Number of samples
  N = X.shape[0]
  # Shuffle data
  shuffled_indices = torch.randperm(N)   # Get indices to shuffle data, could use torch.randperm
  X = X[shuffled_indices]
  y = y[shuffled_indices]

  # Split data into train/test
  test_size = int(0.2 * N)    # Assign test datset size using 20% of samples
  X_test = X[:test_size]
  y_test = y[:test_size]
  X_train = X[test_size:]
  y_train = y[test_size:]

  return X_test, y_test, X_train, y_train

Plotting functions

# @title Plotting functions
def imshow(img):
  Helper function to plot unnormalised image

    img: torch.tensor
      Image to be displayed

  img = img / 2 + 0.5     # Unnormalize
  npimg = img.numpy()
  plt.imshow(np.transpose(npimg, (1, 2, 0)))

def sample_grid(M=500, x_max=2.0):
  Helper function to simulate sample meshgrid

    M: int
      Size of the constructed tensor with meshgrid
    x_max: float
      Defines range for the set of points

    X_all: torch.tensor
      Concatenated meshgrid tensor
  ii, jj = torch.meshgrid(torch.linspace(-x_max, x_max,M),
                          torch.linspace(-x_max, x_max, M))
  X_all =[ii.unsqueeze(-1),
                     dim=-1).view(-1, 2)
  return X_all

def plot_decision_map(X_all, y_pred, X_test, y_test,
                      M=500, x_max=2.0, eps=1e-3):
  Helper function to plot decision map

    X_all: torch.tensor
      Concatenated meshgrid tensor
    y_pred: torch.tensor
      Labels predicted by the network
    X_test: torch.tensor
      Test data
    y_test: torch.tensor
      Labels of the test data
    M: int
      Size of the constructed tensor with meshgrid
    x_max: float
      Defines range for the set of points
    eps: float
      Decision threshold

  decision_map = torch.argmax(y_pred, dim=1)

  for i in range(len(X_test)):
    indeces = (X_all[:, 0] - X_test[i, 0])**2 + (X_all[:, 1] - X_test[i, 1])**2 < eps    # [TO-DO]
    decision_map[indeces] = (K + y_test[i]).long()

  decision_map = decision_map.view(M, M).cpu()
  plt.imshow(decision_map, extent=[-x_max, x_max, -x_max, x_max], cmap='jet')

Set random seed

Executing set_seed(seed=seed) you are setting the seed

# @title Set random seed

# @markdown Executing `set_seed(seed=seed)` you are setting the seed

# For DL its critical to set the random seed so that students can have a
# baseline to compare their results to expected results.
# Read more here:

# Call `set_seed` function in the exercises to ensure reproducibility.
import random
import torch

def set_seed(seed=None, seed_torch=True):
  Function that controls randomness. NumPy and random modules must be imported.

    seed : Integer
      A non-negative integer that defines the random state. Default is `None`.
    seed_torch : Boolean
      If `True` sets the random seed for pytorch tensors, so pytorch module
      must be imported. Default is `True`.

  if seed is None:
    seed = np.random.choice(2 ** 32)
  if seed_torch:
    torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
    torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True

  print(f'Random seed {seed} has been set.')

# In case that `DataLoader` is used
def seed_worker(worker_id):
  DataLoader will reseed workers following randomness in
  multi-process data loading algorithm.

    worker_id: integer
      ID of subprocess to seed. 0 means that
      the data will be loaded in the main process
      Refer: for more details

  worker_seed = torch.initial_seed() % 2**32

Set device (GPU or CPU). Execute set_device()

# @title Set device (GPU or CPU). Execute `set_device()`
# especially if torch modules used.

# Inform the user if the notebook uses GPU or CPU.

def set_device():
  Set the device. CUDA if available, CPU otherwise


  device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
  if device != "cuda":
    print("GPU is not enabled in this notebook. \n"
          "If you want to enable it, in the menu under `Runtime` -> \n"
          "`Hardware accelerator.` and select `GPU` from the dropdown menu")
    print("GPU is enabled in this notebook. \n"
          "If you want to disable it, in the menu under `Runtime` -> \n"
          "`Hardware accelerator.` and select `None` from the dropdown menu")

  return device
SEED = 2021
DEVICE = set_device()
Random seed 2021 has been set.
GPU is not enabled in this notebook. 
If you want to enable it, in the menu under `Runtime` -> 
`Hardware accelerator.` and select `GPU` from the dropdown menu

Download of the Animal Faces dataset

Animal faces consists of 16,130 32x32 images belonging to 3 classes

# @title Download of the Animal Faces dataset
# @markdown Animal faces consists of 16,130 32x32 images belonging to 3 classes
import requests, os
from zipfile import ZipFile

print("Start downloading and unzipping `AnimalFaces` dataset...")
name = 'AnimalFaces32x32'
fname = f"{name}.zip"
url = f""
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
with open(fname, 'wb') as fh:

with ZipFile(fname, 'r') as zfile:

if os.path.exists(fname):
  print(f"The file {fname} does not exist")

print("Download completed.")
Start downloading and unzipping `AnimalFaces` dataset...
Download completed.

Data Loader

Execute this cell!

# @title Data Loader
# @markdown Execute this cell!
K = 4
sigma = 0.4
N = 1000
t = torch.linspace(0, 1, N)
X = torch.zeros(K*N, 2)
y = torch.zeros(K*N)
for k in range(K):
  X[k*N:(k+1)*N, 0] = t*(torch.sin(2*np.pi/K*(2*t+k)) + sigma**2*torch.randn(N))   # [TO-DO]
  X[k*N:(k+1)*N, 1] = t*(torch.cos(2*np.pi/K*(2*t+k)) + sigma**2*torch.randn(N))   # [TO-DO]
  y[k*N:(k+1)*N] = k

X_test, y_test, X_train, y_train = shuffle_and_split_data(X, y, seed=SEED)

# DataLoader with random seed
batch_size = 128
g_seed = torch.Generator()

test_data = TensorDataset(X_test, y_test)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=batch_size,
                         shuffle=False, num_workers=0,

train_data = TensorDataset(X_train, y_train)
train_loader = DataLoader(train_data,

Section 1: Wider vs deeper networks

Time estimate: ~45 mins

Video 1: Deep Expressivity

Submit your feedback

# @title Submit your feedback

Coding Exercise 1: Wide vs. Deep while keeping number of parameters same

Let’s find the optimal number of hidden layers under a fixed number of parameters constraint! But first, we need a model parameter counter. You could iterate over the model layers by calling .parameters() and then use .numel() to count the layer parameters. Also, you can use requires_grad attribute to make sure it’s a trainable parameter. E.g.,

x = torch.ones(10, 5, requires_grad=True)

After defining the counter function, we will step by step increase the depth and then iterate over the possible number of hidden units (assuming same for all hidden layers); then using our parameter counter choose the number of hidden units that results in overall close to max_par_count parameters.

def run_depth_optimizer(max_par_count, max_hidden_layer, device):
  Simulate Depth Optimizer

    max_par_count: int
      Maximum number of hidden units in layer of depth optimizer
    max_hidden_layer: int
      Maximum number of hidden layers within depth optimizer
    device: string
      CUDA/GPU if available, CPU otherwise

    hidden_layers: int
      Number of hidden layers in depth optimizer
    test_scores: list
      Log of test scores
  # Fill in all missing code below (...),
  # then remove or comment the line below to test your function
  raise NotImplementedError("Define the depth optimizer function")

  def count_parameters(model):
    Function to count model parameters

      model: instance of Net class
        MLP instance

      par_count: int
        Number of parameters in network
    par_count = 0
    for p in model.parameters():
      if p.requires_grad:
        par_count += ...
    return par_count

  # Number of hidden layers to try
  hidden_layers = ...

  # Test test score list
  test_scores = []

  for hidden_layer in hidden_layers:
    # Initialize the hidden units in each hidden layer to be 1
    hidden_units = np.ones(hidden_layer, dtype=int)

    # Define the the with hidden units equal to 1
    wide_net = Net('ReLU()', X_train.shape[1], hidden_units, K).to(device)
    par_count = count_parameters(wide_net)

    # Increment hidden_units and repeat until the par_count reaches the desired count
    while par_count < max_par_count:
      hidden_units += 1
      wide_net = Net('ReLU()', X_train.shape[1], hidden_units, K).to(device)
      par_count = ...

    # Train it
    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
    optimizer = optim.Adam(wide_net.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
    _, test_acc = train_test_classification(wide_net, criterion, optimizer,
                                            train_loader, test_loader,
                                            num_epochs=100, device=device)
    test_scores += [test_acc]

  return hidden_layers, test_scores

max_par_count = 100
max_hidden_layer = 5
## Uncomment below to test your function
# hidden_layers, test_scores = run_depth_optimizer(max_par_count, max_hidden_layer, DEVICE)
# plt.xlabel('# of hidden layers')
# plt.ylabel('Test accuracy')
# plt.plot(hidden_layers, test_scores)
Random seed 2021 has been set.

Click for solution

Submit your feedback

# @title Submit your feedback

Think! 1: Why the tradeoff?

Here we see that there is a particular number of hidden layers that is optimum. Why do you think increasing hidden layers after a certain point hurt in this scenario?

Click for solution

Submit your feedback

# @title Submit your feedback

Section 1.1: Where Wide Fails

Let’s use the same spiral dataset generated before with two features. And then add more polynomial features (which makes the first layer wider). And finally, train a single linear layer. We could use the same MLP network with no hidden layers (though it would not be called an MLP anymore!).

Note that we will add polynomial terms upto P=50 which means that for every xn1xm2 term, n+mP. Now it’s fun math exercise to prove why the total number of polynomial features upto P becomes:

(42)# of terms=(P+1)(P+2)2

Also, we don’t need the polynomial term with degree zero (which is the constatnt term) since nn.Linear layers have bias terms. Therefore we will have one fewer polynomial feature.

def run_poly_classification(poly_degree, device='cpu', seed=0):
  Helper function to run the above defined polynomial classifier

    poly_degree: int
      Degree of the polynomial
    device: string
      CUDA/GPU if available, CPU otherwise
    seed: int
      A non-negative integer that defines the random state. Default is 0.

    num_features: int
      Number of features

  def make_poly_features(poly_degree, X):
    Function to define the number of polynomial features except the bias term

      poly_degree: int
        Degree of the polynomial
      X: torch.tensor
        Input data

      num_features: int
        Number of features
      poly_X: torch.tensor
        Polynomial term
    num_features = (poly_degree + 1)*(poly_degree + 2) // 2 - 1
    poly_X = torch.zeros((X.shape[0], num_features))
    count = 0
    for i in range(poly_degree+1):
      for j in range(poly_degree+1):
         # No need to add zero degree since model has biases
        if j + i > 0:
          if j + i <= poly_degree:
            # Define the polynomial term
            poly_X[:, count] = X[:, 0]**i * X [:, 1]**j
            count += 1
    return poly_X, num_features

  poly_X_test, num_features = make_poly_features(poly_degree, X_test)
  poly_X_train, _ = make_poly_features(poly_degree, X_train)

  batch_size = 128

  g_seed = torch.Generator()
  poly_test_data = TensorDataset(poly_X_test, y_test)
  poly_test_loader = DataLoader(poly_test_data,

  poly_train_data = TensorDataset(poly_X_train, y_train)
  poly_train_loader = DataLoader(poly_train_data,

  # Define a linear model using MLP class
  poly_net = Net('ReLU()', num_features, [], K).to(device)

  # Train it!
  criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
  optimizer = optim.Adam(poly_net.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
  _, _ = train_test_classification(poly_net, criterion, optimizer,
                                   poly_train_loader, poly_test_loader,
                                   num_epochs=100, device=DEVICE)
  # Test it
  X_all = sample_grid().to(device)
  poly_X_all, _ = make_poly_features(poly_degree, X_all)
  y_pred = poly_net(

  # Plot it
  plot_decision_map(X_all.cpu(), y_pred.cpu(), X_test.cpu(), y_test.cpu())

  return num_features

max_poly_degree = 50
num_features = run_poly_classification(max_poly_degree, DEVICE, SEED)
print(f'Number of features: {num_features}')
Random seed 2021 has been set.
0/100 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/, in _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter._try_get_data(self, timeout)
   1131 try:
-> 1132     data = self._data_queue.get(timeout=timeout)
   1133     return (True, data)

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/, in Queue.get(self, block, timeout)
    112 timeout = deadline - time.monotonic()
--> 113 if not self._poll(timeout):
    114     raise Empty

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/, in _ConnectionBase.poll(self, timeout)
    256 self._check_readable()
--> 257 return self._poll(timeout)

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/, in Connection._poll(self, timeout)
    423 def _poll(self, timeout):
--> 424     r = wait([self], timeout)
    425     return bool(r)

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/, in wait(object_list, timeout)
    930 while True:
--> 931     ready =
    932     if ready:

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/, in, timeout)
    415 try:
--> 416     fd_event_list = self._selector.poll(timeout)
    417 except InterruptedError:

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/, in _set_SIGCHLD_handler.<locals>.handler(signum, frame)
     63 def handler(signum, frame):
     64     # This following call uses `waitid` with WNOHANG from C side. Therefore,
     65     # Python can still get and update the process status successfully.
---> 66     _error_if_any_worker_fails()
     67     if previous_handler is not None:

RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid 79897) exited unexpectedly with exit code 1. Details are lost due to multiprocessing. Rerunning with num_workers=0 may give better error trace.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[19], line 93
     91 set_seed(seed=SEED)
     92 max_poly_degree = 50
---> 93 num_features = run_poly_classification(max_poly_degree, DEVICE, SEED)
     94 print(f'Number of features: {num_features}')

Cell In[19], line 76, in run_poly_classification(poly_degree, device, seed)
     74 criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
     75 optimizer = optim.Adam(poly_net.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
---> 76 _, _ = train_test_classification(poly_net, criterion, optimizer,
     77                                  poly_train_loader, poly_test_loader,
     78                                  num_epochs=100, device=DEVICE)
     79 # Test it
     80 X_all = sample_grid().to(device)

Cell In[7], line 99, in train_test_classification(net, criterion, optimizer, train_loader, test_loader, num_epochs, verbose, training_plot, device)
     97 for epoch in tqdm(range(num_epochs)):  # Loop over the dataset multiple times
     98   running_loss = 0.0
---> 99   for i, data in enumerate(train_loader, 0):
    100     # Get the inputs; data is a list of [inputs, labels]
    101     inputs, labels = data
    102     inputs =

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/, in _BaseDataLoaderIter.__next__(self)
    630 if self._sampler_iter is None:
    631     # TODO(
    632     self._reset()  # type: ignore[call-arg]
--> 633 data = self._next_data()
    634 self._num_yielded += 1
    635 if self._dataset_kind == _DatasetKind.Iterable and \
    636         self._IterableDataset_len_called is not None and \
    637         self._num_yielded > self._IterableDataset_len_called:

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/, in _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter._next_data(self)
   1325     return self._process_data(data)
   1327 assert not self._shutdown and self._tasks_outstanding > 0
-> 1328 idx, data = self._get_data()
   1329 self._tasks_outstanding -= 1
   1330 if self._dataset_kind == _DatasetKind.Iterable:
   1331     # Check for _IterableDatasetStopIteration

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/, in _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter._get_data(self)
   1290     # In this case, `self._data_queue` is a `queue.Queue`,. But we don't
   1291     # need to call `.task_done()` because we don't use `.join()`.
   1292 else:
   1293     while True:
-> 1294         success, data = self._try_get_data()
   1295         if success:
   1296             return data

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/nma-course/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/, in _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter._try_get_data(self, timeout)
   1143 if len(failed_workers) > 0:
   1144     pids_str = ', '.join(str( for w in failed_workers)
-> 1145     raise RuntimeError('DataLoader worker (pid(s) {}) exited unexpectedly'.format(pids_str)) from e
   1146 if isinstance(e, queue.Empty):
   1147     return (False, None)

RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid(s) 79897) exited unexpectedly

Think! 1.1: Does a wide model generalize well?

Do you think this model is performing well outside its training distribution? Why?

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Section 2: Deeper MLPs

Time estimate: ~55 mins

Video 2: Case study

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# @title Submit your feedback

Coding Exercise 2: Dataloader on a real-world dataset

Let’s build our first real-world dataset loader with Data Preprocessing and Augmentation! And we will use the Torchvision transforms to do it. We’d like to have a simple data augmentation with the following steps:

  • Random rotation with 10 degrees (.RandomRotation)

  • Random horizontal flipping (.RandomHorizontalFlip) and we’d like a preprocessing that:

  • makes Pytorch tensors in the range [0,1] (.ToTensor)

  • normalizes the input in the range [1,1] (.Normalize)

Hint: For more info on transform, see the official documentation.

def get_data_loaders(batch_size, seed):
  Helper function to get data loaders

    batch_size: int
      Batch size
    seed: int
      A non-negative integer that defines the random state.

    img_train_loader: type
      Combines the train dataset and sampler, and provides an iterable over the given dataset.
    img_test_loader: type
      Combines the test dataset and sampler, and provides an iterable over the given dataset.
  # Fill in all missing code below (...),
  # then remove or comment the line below to test your function
  raise NotImplementedError("Define the get data loaders function")

  # Define the transform done only during training
  augmentation_transforms = ...

  # Define the transform done in training and testing (after augmentation)
  mean = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) # defined sequence of means per channel
  std = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) # defined sequence of std deviations per channel
  # Note that the transform should normalize each channel: output[channel] = (input[channel] - mean[channel]) / std[channel]
  preprocessing_transforms = ...

  # Compose them together
  train_transform = transforms.Compose(augmentation_transforms + preprocessing_transforms)
  test_transform = transforms.Compose(preprocessing_transforms)

  # Using pathlib to be compatible with all OS's
  data_path = pathlib.Path('.')/'afhq'

  # Define the dataset objects (they can load one by one)
  img_train_dataset = ImageFolder(data_path/'train', transform=train_transform)
  img_test_dataset = ImageFolder(data_path/'val', transform=test_transform)

  g_seed = torch.Generator()
  # Define the dataloader objects (they can load batch by batch)
  img_train_loader = DataLoader(img_train_dataset,
  # num_workers can be set to higher if running on Colab Pro TPUs to speed up,
  # with more than one worker, it will do multithreading to queue batches
  img_test_loader = DataLoader(img_test_dataset,

  return img_train_loader, img_test_loader

batch_size = 64
## Uncomment below to test your function
# img_train_loader, img_test_loader = get_data_loaders(batch_size, SEED)
## get some random training images
# dataiter = iter(img_train_loader)
# images, labels = next(dataiter)
## show images
# imshow(make_grid(images, nrow=8))
Random seed 2021 has been set.

Click for solution

# Train it
net = Net('ReLU()', 3*32*32, [64, 64, 64], 3).to(DEVICE)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=3e-4)
_, _ = train_test_classification(net, criterion, optimizer,
                                 img_train_loader, img_test_loader,
                                 num_epochs=30, device=DEVICE)
# Visualize the feature map
fc1_weights = net.mlp[0].weight.view(64, 3, 32, 32).detach().cpu()
fc1_weights /= torch.max(torch.abs(fc1_weights))
imshow(make_grid(fc1_weights, nrow=8))

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# @title Submit your feedback

Think! 2: Why first layer features are high level?

Even though it’s three layers deep, we see distinct animal faces in the first layer feature map. Do you think this MLP has a hierarchical feature representation? Why?

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# @title Submit your feedback

Section 3: Ethical aspects

Time estimate: ~20 mins

Video 3: Ethics: Hype in AI

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# @title Submit your feedback


In the second tutorial of this day, we have dived deeper into MLPs and seen more of their mathematical and practical aspects. More specifically, we have learned about different architectures, i.e., deep, wide, and how they are dependent on the transfer function used. Also, we have learned about the importance of initialization, and we mathematically analyzed two methods for smart initialization.

Video 4: Outro

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# @title Submit your feedback

Daily survey

Don’t forget to complete your reflections and content check in the daily survey! Please be patient after logging in as there is a small delay before you will be redirected to the survey.

button link to survey

Bonus: The need for good initialization

In this section, we derive principles for initializing deep networks. We will see that if the weights are too large, then the forward propagation of signals will be chaotic, and the backpropagation of error gradients will explode. On the other hand, if the weights are too small, the forward propagation of signals will be ordered, and the backpropagation of error gradients will vanish. The key idea behind initialization is to choose the weights to be just right, i.e., at the edge between order and chaos. In this section, we derive this edge and show how to compute the correct initial variance of the weights.

Many of the typical initialization schemes in existing deep learning frameworks implicitly employ this principle of initialization at the edge of chaos. So this section can be safely skipped on first pass and is, hence, a bonus section.

Video 5: Need for Good Initialization

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Xavier initialization

Let us look at the scale distribution of an output (e.g., a hidden variable) oi for some fully-connected layer without nonlinearities. With nin inputs (xj) and their associated weights wij for this layer. Then an output is given by,


The weights wij are all drawn independently from the same distribution. Furthermore, let us assume that this distribution has zero mean and variance σ2. Note that this does not mean that the distribution has to be Gaussian, just that the mean and variance need to exist. For now, let us assume that the inputs to the layer xj also have zero mean and variance γ2 and that they are independent of wij and independent of each other. In this case, we can compute the mean and variance of oi as follows:


One way to keep the variance fixed is to set ninσ2=1 . Now consider backpropagation. There we face a similar problem, albeit with gradients being propagated from the layers closer to the output. Using the same reasoning as for forward propagation, we see that the gradients’ variance can blow up unless noutσ2=1 , where nout is the number of outputs of this layer. This leaves us in a dilemma: we cannot possibly satisfy both conditions simultaneously. Instead, we simply try to satisfy:

(45)12(nin+nout)σ2=1 or equivalently σ=2nin+nout

This is the reasoning underlying the now-standard and practically beneficial Xavier initialization, named after the first author of its creators Glorot and Bengio, 2010. Typically, the Xavier initialization samples weights from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and variance σ2=2(nin+nout),


We can also adapt Xavier’s intuition to choose the variance when sampling weights from a uniform distribution. Note that the uniform distribution U(a,a) has variance a23. Plugging this into our condition on σ2 yields the suggestion to initialize according to


This explanation is mainly taken from here.

If you want to see more about initializations and their differences see here.

Initialization with transfer function

Let’s derive the optimal gain for LeakyReLU following similar steps.

LeakyReLU is described mathematically:

(48)f(x)={αx for x<0x for x0

where α controls the angle of the negative slope.

Considering a single layer with this activation function gives,


where zi denotes the activation of node i.

The expectation of the output is still zero, i.e., E[f(oi)=0], but the variance changes, and assuming that the probability P(x<0)=0.5, we have that:


where γ is the variance of the distribution of the inputs xj and σ is the variance of the distribution of weights wij, as before.

Therefore, following the rest of derivation as before,


As we can see from the derived formula of σ, the transfer function we choose is related with the variance of the distribution of the weights. As the negative slope of the LeakyReLU α becomes larger, the gain becomes smaller and thus, the distribution of the weights is narrower. On the other hand, as α becomes smaller and smaller, the distribution of the weights is wider. Recall that, we initialize our weights, for example, by sampling from a normal distribution with zero mean and variance σ2.

Best gain for Xavier Initialization with Leaky ReLU

You’re probably running out of time, so let me explain what’s happening here. We derived a theoretical gain for initialization. But the question is whether it holds in practice? Here we have a setup to confirm our finding. We will try a range of gains and see the empirical optimum and whether it matches our theoretical value!

If you have time left, you can change the distribution to sample the initial weights from a uniform distribution by changing the mode argument.

N = 10  # Number of trials
gains = np.linspace(1/N, 3.0, N)
test_accs = []
train_accs = []
mode = 'uniform'
for gain in gains:
  print(f'\ngain: {gain}')

  def init_weights(m, mode='normal'):
    if type(m) == nn.Linear:
      if mode == 'normal':
        torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_(m.weight, gain)
      elif mode == 'uniform':
        torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight, gain)
        print("No specific mode selected. Please choose `normal` or `uniform`")

  negative_slope = 0.1
  actv = f'LeakyReLU({negative_slope})'
  net = Net(actv, 3*32*32, [128, 64, 32], 3).to(DEVICE)
  criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

  optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=1e-2)
  train_acc, test_acc = train_test_classification(net, criterion, optimizer,
  test_accs += [test_acc]
  train_accs += [train_acc]

best_gain = gains[np.argmax(train_accs)]
plt.plot(gains, test_accs, label='Test accuracy')
plt.plot(gains, train_accs, label='Train accuracy')
plt.scatter(best_gain, max(train_accs),
            label=f'best gain={best_gain:.1f}',
            c='k', marker ='x')

# Calculate and plot the theoretical gain
theoretical_gain = np.sqrt(2.0 / (1 + negative_slope ** 2))
plt.scatter(theoretical_gain, max(train_accs),
            label=f'theoretical gain={theoretical_gain:.2f}',
            c='g', marker ='x')